When industry and education collaborate, we can identify better ways to keep students safe.
We're committed to driving innovation in education safety technology and programs by creating a framework for new ideas, better solutions, and problem solving to address challenges faced by schools and campuses.
Industry Partners collaborate with Education Partners to implement early-stage programs and technology. This provides early access to evaluate technology in beta or pilot program stage with the reciprocal commitment to provide feedback on usability, effectiveness, and overall feedback on the new offering.
ZeroNow facilitates regional group discussions to share challenges, gaps, and opportunities in advancing safety at schools. Each roundtable is hosted at an Education Partner
Let's merge our passion for change, our relentless pursuit of innovation, and the calling to create safe and inspiring environments for our youth. Together, we can develop the ability see around corners to create the level of school safety we need now, and maintain it well into the future.
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