ZeroNow unites stakeholders from across education, technology, and public safety to make a collective impact on school security.

With your help, there’s nothing stopping us from getting to zero.

We accomplish this in (3) core areas


Think outside the box.

  • Think tank
  • Monthly online roundtables
  • Community platform
  • Contributed content
  • Student-led interviews
  • PSA’s (Digital/Print)
  • Social Media
  • #ZeroNow
  • Influencers


Invent the future.

  • Partner collaboration
  • Establish Standards & Interoperability
  • National Council of School Safety Directors
  • Path to Safer Schools


Fund school safety.

  • Grant assistance
  • Policy briefings
  • Advocacy

The ZeroNow Story

ZeroNow was born from a powerful vision rooted in the aftermath of the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre, a tragedy that deeply impacted Joe Samaha and inspired his commitment to making schools safer. Joe recognized that true, lasting safety in schools would only be possible if all stakeholders—educators, law enforcement, technology providers, designers, and policymakers—came together in collaboration.

Driven by this mission, Joe partnered with school safety technology pioneer Ara Bagdasarian, and award-winning designer Jeff McWeeney who shared his passion and helped turn this vision into reality. Together, they founded ZeroNow, a community dedicated to uniting school safety professionals and innovators to prevent harm and ensure safe learning environments for all.

ZeroNow Team

Jonathan M. Kassa

Executive Director

Community Profile

Mary Beckendorf

Operations Director

Community Profile

Board of Directors

Amy Jeffs

Ara Bagdasarian

ZeroNow Founder, Board President

Bruce Canal

ZeroNow Vice President
Account Executive, Education

Dr. Miles Davis

Jeff McWeeney

ZeroNow Founder
Founder, Experience Designer

Joe Samaha

ZeroNow Founder

Kisha Slaton, MPA

Melissa Agnes

Michael Campanella

Podcast Host

Timm Johnson

Director at Mason SBDC
George Mason University

Advisory Council

Andrew Ko



Antoinette King

Head of Cyber Convergence

i-PRO Americas Inc

Brandon Rhone

Coordinator of Emergency Management & Safe Schools

North Penn School District

Daniel Dusseau

Director Public Safety (ret)

Dusseau Solutions

Dr. Beth J Sanborn

School Safety Coordinator

Montgomery County, PA

Dr. Judith M. Solis

Deputy Director

Region One Texas Education Service Center

Dr. Lewis Eakins

Vice President for Public Safety (Ret)

Ivy Tech Community College

Dr. Rich Contartesi

CEO and Co-Founder

Ask School Data

E. Scott Geller, Ph.D

Director of the Center for Applied Behavior Systems

Virginia Tech

Elisa Mula


EM Designs

Gigi Thompson Jarvis


Jarvis & Associates

Greg Shaffer

Supervisory Special Agent (Ret)

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Jason Friedberg

Vice President

Blue Line Solutions

Jason Stoddard

Director of School Safety and Security

Charles County Public Schools

Jeff Morgan

Director of Security

Union County, North Carolina

Jeffrey Kelly

Director of K12 Solutions


Jill Lemond

Vice President, Education


John Bullwinkel

Special Agent, NTAC (ret)

U.S. Secret Service

John Clark

Director of Safety and Security

Loudoun County Public Schools

Jose R. Figueroa

Former VP Johnson Controls

Johnson Controls

Kasia Hansen

Global Sr. Director, Physical and Cybersecurity Ecosystems


Kevin J. Eberle, EdD.

Chief Operations Officer/School Principal (ret)

Buffalo Public Schools

Kirk Arthur

Worldwide Public Safety & Justice


Michael Garcia

K-12 Safe Schools

HID Global

Robert Evans

Vice President


Ron Jarvis


Grosso Law

S. Daniel Carter


SAFE Campuses, LLC

Shane Giblin

School Safety Advocate

Founding Collective Impact Partners

As pioneers and creators of education safety technology and programs, we have the responsibility to work towards finding new ways to prevent harmful events, more quickly mitigate the scope of harm and ultimately achieve the complete absence of harm to our most valuable asset. 

Through community we have the potential to align around one bold and simple goal. Now we must come together as one to achieve zero.

Collective Impact Partners

This unique mix of nonprofit, and for-profit sponsors, share a common stake in making schools safer for good. Each was seeking a way to contribute more meaningfully, and create a collective impact on school security. They're also driven by the belief that real change can be achieved through collaboration. And, no one is as effective as all of us in the pursuit of the innovation, policy, and commitment required to reach our goal of zero victims.